Friday, September 9, 2011

Shocking Day

Oh where to begin...

The biggest shocker is that there is a team I officially hate more than the farm (which is Stanford for those of you who I have not yet converted to Cal-isms).  Yes, that is right.  I will root for Stanford before... that's right... USC.  The condoms have broken all over the place and I am one sticky mess because of those latex wieners.

On that note.  I called financial aid today to ask about what looks like yet another charge, this one 8k.  The woman could NOT or would NOT answer the question, i.e. am I really being charged this amount?  Finally I got to the point where I dropped the f-bomb.  To which she replied in a really snotty tone of voice, "This is a private university.  That kind of language is not condoned."  Well then answer the fucking question you piece of fucking shit.  Excuse me?  Wait?  Condoned?  Do I look like I give a rat's ass what a bunch of dipshits who don't know how to answer a question think?  Oy.  So I hung up on her... no, I said good bye and hung up on her.  I was that "polite".  Then I contacted my normal person in the department and made what I call, an excuse apology.  "I'm sorry, BUT".  I learned it from the boy, it was the only kind of apology he ever gave.  "I'm sorry, but it's still all your fault and you're still a bitch."  Oh right.  Yes.  Bitch central - how may I direct your call?  (1) If you need to hear you're ugly, (2) If you need to hear you're a pathetic numbskull, (3) If you need to hear that you have a tiny dick, or (4) If you need to hear that you're a worthless sack of beans. 

Speaking of men, I'm starting to think I should have women for companionship and men just to get laid.  Because I came to the realization today that men really don't want to spend a lot of time with me.  We all know the boy did everything he could to make sure he didn't and even my own father doesn't want to.  He'll spend hours talking to friends, but it's a red letter day if I get 10 minutes.  So I'm starting to scratch the idea of good old fashioned male friendships and hang outs.  I'm clearly just completely incapable.  Shoulda been a lesbian.  The big guy upstairs f'd that one up big time.

And speaking of the boy, funny story.  I looked like utter crap tonight, as I didn't exactly expect to be doing anything.  So I head down to Friendship Heights to do a little shopping with Christina.  I park up on a side street, so I don't have to pay for parking.  I'm walking down the street and realize that this is the street boy and I used to walk down to get to FH.  I literally dove behind a bush and poked my head out, looking all over the place to make sure he wasn't walking down the street with his new girl (because we're all already sure he has one).  I mean, I really don't mind him seeing me... when I look good.  Looking like I did tonight?  Oh hell to the no.  Homeboy does not get to see this.

Talk about a crazy day I tell you.  It's days like this that remind me just how oh so special I am.

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