Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Jason Mraz has a new album out. It's called "Love is a Four Letter Word". Well, so is "fuck". What's your point, Jason, what's your point?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just for J

A friend of mine called to wish me happy travels and to shoot the shit for a few minutes (then rub it in he's getting a massage... Made even worse by my recent massage of masseuse on crack). He tells me about his lunch. Three LARGE beef enchiladas and a load of beans. I have never been so happy somebody is not on a plane with me. (And yes, this is a test to see of he still reads my recently not really updated blog...). Ha! I may or may not have more stories to tell about said person... I'll be nice and not write them... Yet... I bet y'all didn't know I had a talent for blackmail. I kid! I kid!