Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am utterly thrilled to report that Sven and I have been reunited.

Yes, that shimmery, cold rod and I have become one again.

Heads out of the gutter.  Sven is pole.  A pole dancing pole.  Did I forget to mention I've gone back to pole dancing?

I will tell you this though.  Sven beat me up.

That's only one bruise... from a spin called the hook.  Yes, Sven is a lover beater clearly.

I also took a lap dancing class... really... lap... dancing.  Who wants one???  Sign up now!

And to remind you I'm just a tad bit more than a bruise and that Sven didn't get the best of me...

And a close-up...

I do clean up nice, don't I?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Old Problem

You know you're old when you make an Urkel reference and all the young adults/children you work with have NO CLUE what you're talking about.

You know you're old when you buy One-A-Day multivitamins, then scrutinize the bottle wondering how many you should take.  Worse, when you can barely read the bottle.

You know you're old when you talk about Armageddon, Liv Tyler, and Bruce Willis and again... blank stares.

Let's not even discuss the wrinkles, the getting hit on by a post-50 year old man, and not getting carded.  Let's just not discuss these things.