Friday, April 15, 2011

Travel Day

First of all, Reagan is SLOW. Second of all, Delta is just confused. But no, these are not my funny stories.

On the way to the airport, I may or may not have been flipping out. I like to be early. I was most definitely due to a whole host if issues. I was kindly told that I should relax and/or calm down. For those of you who have known me for five billion years, knows that (a) that probably won't happen and (b) you may have just been asked to get your ass kicked.

I was kind. I simply made note of this fact on the "Getting to Know Morgan" list; when I am hungry, have to pee like a maniac, stressed out, not had the best couple of days AND having a period, I am generally borderline homicidal. I.e. Letting me vent is probably a solidly good idea.

So I get to the airport of idiots and FINALLY get through. I head for the potty to FINALLY be nice to my bladder. I'm waiting to walk into the bathroom, texting somebody or other, when I almost head in, look up and go...


I'd almost walked into the men's bathroom... Since I so clearly look like a man.

P.s. I'm actually wearing a dress. Who thinks I look pretty?!