Sunday, April 4, 2010

More... HAIR

And holy crap, it's been years since I last wrote.  Talk about being a delinquent.  I've withheld my brilliance from you for so long.  Please accept my sincerest apologies for such a lapse.

But!  Onto making you laugh this Easter Sunday.  And for those of you who celebrate otherwise, Happy Passover or simply, Happy Sunday!  Yes, I'm a dork.  Get over it.

First of all, did the hair ever get fixed?  Am I still orange and ugly?  Only one way to find out...

That's how I now walk around.  Everyday.  All day.  Really...

Ok, or not...

And that is what I call normal.  Isn't it amazing how I can be transformed???

Now if I could just go from jerky to nice... we'd all be in a better place.

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