Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Better Life?

Whoever said yummy food can't feed the soul and make you feel better... bite me.

Whoever said shopping is a waste of time and can't make you feel better... can also bite me.

Just saying...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I walked into a wall. No joke.

Now I'm sitting here watching the delightful translate of American Airlines. There's a man in a full on business suit and wearing rainbow striped leg socks. Or the lady with perfectly coiffed hair,clearly professionally done, straight out of the 80's. Then there's a chick wearing ski pants on the bottom and a tank top up top. Um? Yes?

Oh! Lovely! A man just rearranged himself, hardcore style, while walking past. Now there's a talent for you. This is a show I'm dying to see again.

I'm really looking forward to this flight. There are always the strangest people heading into DC.

I guess I have no room to speak since I will be one of these said passengers...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Plane! In the Sky!

I'm in the air! Enjoying 30 free minutes of wifi courtesy of American and who knows who. Then I'll be on my phone with another email addy enjoying another 30 minutes. Bring it on, playing the system. Bet you never knew I was so gangster.

I'm sitting next to two people who have never met before and are now best friends. Did I mention they're toasted? I would type that in all caps if I weren't afraid they might actually be able to see through their blurry vision the word toasted on a blog. Oh. And the dude? Wearing sunglasses like he's hot shit.

If you live in Long Beach, which direction is the North Star?



And of course, a classic. I decide to go to the restroom, for once in my life, and what happens? That's right. What invariably always happens when I actually go to the bathroom on the plane. Hardcore turbulence hit. *Sigh*

Did I mention I whopped my head good and proper trying to sit my ass in my seat with all of my shit? Which is the LEAST amount I've brought home for a weekend trip in YEARS? (Clearly I am no longer afraid of the caps). Dead serious. I actually have space in my carry on. WHOA. There's just something about empty space that makes me want to fill it.

On that note, Lo, I really hope you don't have going out plans for us. I'm about to say something shocking, so I hope y'all are sitting. I didn't bring a pair of heels with me.

GASP. Did hell freeze over?! Are pigs flying?!

Lo continues to be ridiculously excited I'm coming home. She broke many a heart and date just to spend Super Bowl with me. She even decided against inviting the entire west side to our shindig. She said it was because she just wants to spend time with me, but I wonder if it's because we have a very... Special... Read: weird... Relationship and there's just no need to submit people to the pressure of trying to understand it. There's trying to understand her - that's difficult. There's trying to understand me - that's even more difficult. Trying to understand us together??? Good luck on that one suckers.

Ok. Time to finish this up, so. Can go screw around some more on American's dime. Bring it!