Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Swiss

Sunday afternoon, I received a text from Derrick asking me if I want to go shopping with him.

Um... duh???

So off we go, in the process meeting a friend from Germany, Dominic.

Part of the trip we spent in a Halloween store as I'm beginning to ponder what I should be - seeing as how I'll actually be doing something this Halloween.

I saw this and am trying to talk Michael into it.  Feel free to help me out.

Then Dominic notices something.

And proceeds to ask Derrick and I....

What is the Swiss doing here???

For those of you who do not know the above symbol, it is the American Red Cross.  Not the Swiss.  Aaaahhh.  Who doesn't love the foreigners?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Outtake Reel

Prior to starting school (yes, again,) I had a few assignments.  One such assignment was to tape myself teaching something - non-academic.  So I drafted Annie to be my "student" and drafted Christine to jack her chocolate milkshake recipe to "teach."

The video itself came out juuuuust fine.  It was the outtakes that were the most fun.  I'm only going to share two.  It could be that Annie and I were either (a) nuts (b) tired or (c) just having way too good of a time.  Hopefully you will to when viewing...

The Towel Incident



I will say this.  My arms are looking fabulous.  But aprons do NOTHING for a gal's fabulous figure.  So I have been inspired to take up the needle and thread and create an apron that is suitable for women.

Gentlemen, heads OUT of the gutter.  I am NOT referring to a french maid's costume.